Sunday, April 24, 2011


On a rainy Easter afternoon Ava was visited by the Easter bunny. 

"The Easter bunny brought me this great outfit and cute basket, but where are all the eggs?" 

The Easter bunny "hid" the eggs.  Can you find them
"This Easter bunny is not so good at hiding eggs." 
"I got it!"

"This is a strange egg.  It rattles!" 
Yes, there are Cheerios inside the eggs.

"If I could just figure out how to get the Cheerios out." 
"Never mind, I have a better trick.I can walk and carry an egg in each hand!" 
"This Easter bunny stuff is pretty fun."

Sunday, April 17, 2011


Our baby is growing up too fast.  Now she knows when the flash of the camera is coming and so often closes her eyes.  For some reason this is coupled with some funny expressions.  I have not captioned these..for now, I think it is just fun to imagine what she was thinking.